TLC for your TM

What do you need to know about trademark-loving care?

Trademark registration isn’t a one-and-done, set-it-and-forget-it, “y’all got it from here, right?” transaction. 

Like most things you value, you need to be intentional about the care you give your precious trademark— especially in its early years.

In this volume of Truth in Trademarks, written in collaboration with Julie MacDonell (CEO of Haloo, AI-powered software for trademark search and filing), we dive into what you need to know AFTER you’ve trademarked a name: How do you keep a name protected and protectable?

We walk you through four key areas of trademark-loving care, give you straightforward tactics you can put in place right now, and help you avoid the heartbreak of falling victim to genericide. Read TLC for Your TM (AKA How to Protect Your Brand Name).

Download it here:

-Caitlin Barrett
Founder and naming expert, Wild Geese Studio
Your strategic naming partner for development, operations, and evaluation.


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