Conflict search party

How to look for trouble in all the right places

Grab a flashlight and a buddy: We’re going searching for anything and everything that could put your name at risk.

If you’ve put in the work to come up with names you love, it’s worth a little bit more to make sure they’re names you can use.

In the this volume of Truth in Trademarks, written in collaboration with Julie MacDonell (CEO of Haloo, AI-powered software for trademark search and filing), we run you through everything you might need to go searching for things that could keep you from successfully using a name: trademark issues, common-law conflicts, linguistic stuff, domain availability, and more.

Read Conflict Search Party right now for a conflict-search checklist, and get your search party started.

Download it here:

-Caitlin Barrett
Founder and naming expert, Wild Geese Studio
Your strategic naming partner for development, operations, and evaluation.


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